REAL Studio
REAL Studio is a Limited Private Company registered in Kenya in February 2020. Co-founded by Francis Kamunya and Steven Lichty, REAL Studio is a sister company to REAL Consulting Group, a boutique consulting firm that focuses on serving clients with African-wide or global projects. While this site is under construction, you can reach Steven at either steven@realstudio.co.ke or at steven@realconsultinggroup.com
Why a Studio?
Semantics matter. The term ‘studio’ infers an artistic space…a messy, but creative space…a place to reimagine, wrestle with complexity, critically engage with systems, and build future scenarios for Africa. Many recent startups across Africa are called ‘labs’ so we have tech labs, design labs, innovation labs, futures labs, etc. Labs infer scientific research, testing, experimentation, and a sterile environment…perfect attributes for sectors that fit nicely into linear approaches where measurement, preciseness, and control are essential. REAL Studio values the historical contributions arising from laboratories around the world; however, the challenges facing society today require diving into the messy, fuzzy, non-linear, chaotic, and ‘wicked’ problems arising from climate change, poor resource management, conflict, corruption, and lack of strategic foresight across a range of key sectors (e.g. governance, business, education, healthcare, agriculture, infrastructure, etc.). Labs will continue to play a crucial role in contributing scientific insight, but new platforms and spaces are needed to foster, empower, and unlock the necessary creativity and critical engagement of African changemakers. REAL Studio aims to be such a platform and space.